Gerberas by DMC (Progress #3)
It's early June and I've completed a quarter of my project. This means I'm wayyyy behind schedule :( I completed a quarter in a month, means I can complete the whole project in another 2-3 months!! Oh well, I think I should stick to smaller projects next time...
The special thing about this project is that this is the first time I used 3 strands instead of 2 strands for the whole stitch. For the half stitch, I used 2 strands. I used 3 strands because the lady from Haby & Wools at Ampang Park said that the end result will look better. However, when Awin and Aishah went to my house several weeks back, we compared the difference between using 2, 3 and 4 strands (Awin used 4 strands for her Minnie Mouse Kit project). Honestly, it's not that different! Owh, we're using 14-count Aida for our projects.
But looking at the work closely, I guess using 3 strands makes the picture look "fuller" somewhat...
June 23, 2010 at 11:45 PM
eppy....want to ask something:) kat mana eppy slalu beli kain aida tu ek...macam susah je nak jumpa kat area putrajaya ni, nak kena beli around KL ;)